Today's Tuesday Tip: Figuring Out What's Important.
I have a hard time prioritizing my day. I'm also a nitpicker when it comes to my to-do lists. Always have been the type to rewrite it if it looks too messy, or clear off the things I've done to not be overwhelmed by the look of a long list. While it's great to see my accomplishments crossed off, it helps me focus on what I still need to do. My husband will leave his up until it's all crossed off, he loves to see what he got done. (Unless I get crazy and write a new one for him too!)
Hanging them up side by side, it can get competitive to see who can cross off the most. Motivation!
So after many rough drafts, here are a few versions of my printable to-do list for you! Note the short/long term goals can be folded over or cut off so you can think about them, but put them away when you feel overwhelmed.
My Accomplishments of the Day
The Procrastinator's To Do List
The Husband's To Do List
(feel free to add your extras to this one :)
And the more simplified 2/sheet:
What Mommy Did Today!
Things I can help Dad with
You saw this on Modest Mommies!